COVID-19 Safe Policy

COVID SAFE with lots of space

We offer small classes ensuring that students have top quality tuition with ample safe, clean space to dance in. 

Studio One: 144m2

Studio Two: 90m2

Studio Three: 75 m2

A generous warm-up area, SACE Room, Pilates Room and 12 meters of hallway


To keep our students, teachers and staff healthy and dancing, we will be following recommended guidelines.

SICKNESS DO NOT attend classes when unwell - students who may have cold or flu symptoms should stay at home until cleared by a medical specialist or until symptoms have cleared.  If available, they will be able to access our YouTube training videos.

KISS AND DROP - Parents are to drop students and refrain from coming into the waiting area during drop off and pick up times. We have a car-park at the back of the building for parents wanting to wait in their cars, or it is a perfect time to go for a walk or do some shopping.

KINDERBALLET Parents of Kinderballet children will be permitted to stay if it is deemed necessary. The SACE room will be made available if required.

RECEPTION AREA Social distancing guidelines will be strictly adhered to. Please check the signs located outside the from door for numbers permitted. Once students are in classes, if the office is attended, parents may enter for assistance. Appointments will be required if you want to speak with the principal or a teacher.

WAITING ROOM AND RECEPTION AREA The only people permitted into these areas are students, teachers, staff and TPD approved volunteers.

COVID SAFE APP WE encourage all families to have the COVID Safe app.

CONTACT TRACING WE must keep accurate attendance records and be notified in advance of absences via text 0413 113 950.

SATURDAY CLASSES All children from Kinderballet - Grade One, will be met by a senior student, teacher or volunteer, who will take children to the bathroom for hand washing. They will then ensure children attend their class or classes.  

AFTER CLASS PICK UP Children will be accompanied to the studio door for parents to collect their child. If parents are going to be late dropping off or collecting students, they must inform Administration via text 0413 113 950.

STUDIO ATTIRE To reduce waiting times, maintain recommended numbers in the studios, minimise clutter and the risk of losing items we encourage all students to arrive in their school uniform leotard, jacket and pants with slip-on shoes. All clothing and shoes should be named.

PUNCTUALITY Students must be punctual arriving five to ten minutes before schedule start time, allowing time to become prepared for class.

CLEANLINESS WE WILL maintain a high standard of cleanliness and sanitisation.

Hand sanitiser is available in all studios and distributed throughout the facility. After coughing, sneezing or blowing their nose, all students and teachers must use hand sanitiser

Between classes and during breaks, we have ample room for social distancing and will encourage students to follow guidelines. 

We will be teaching students to maintain and be responsible for sanitising barres and equipment which they use. Disposable gloves are available if required.

LIMBER CLASSES Students should bring a towel to place on yoga mats and will be responsible for cleaning equipment and props with disinfectant after each use.

By working together and with patience, we will continue to enjoy the freedom to dance.